Court Ordered Classes Online Courses - Here's How It Works provides a simple classroom reading and studying environment, one that will allow you to relate all course material with ease. also provides the group meetings, live from within the site. You sit down and you listen to your counselor and others in the group, you give and take, you participate just as in any other group meeting. Since our classes are on-going and self-paced, you can start now - as soon as you enroll!
The format for our on-line classes is quite consistent for all courses. We're using the on-line training platform from Court Ordered Programs, Inc. There are eight courses you can take: domestic violence, anger management, deferred entry of judgment, batterers intervention, drug and alcohol awareness, criminal behavior modification, divorce, high-conflict divorce, parenting, co-parenting, high-conflict parenting, family violence, shoplifting, theft prevention, child abuse, child endangerment, civic responsibility, gambling addiction, cognitive thinking, responsible thinking, intimate partner violence, and juvenile (teen) court & betterment programs along with assessments: drug / alcohol assessments, parenting assessments, anger management assessments and DV/BIP assessments, all in a Classroom Environment from the comfort of your home.
Here's what you'll be doing during the class:
- Intake - Basic information is gathered here, including personal and court case matters.
- Regular hourly lessons - Every lesson contains comprehensive information that you can view, fill, print and submit. This allows us to keep track of attendance and course progress. Also, this provides you with a permanent reference for course materials during the class and long after the class is over.
- Reading supplements - For some lessons, there will be supplemental information that will explain certain behaviors and control tools that are beyond the scope of the class. This gives you a way to learn about many additional control behaviors and tools.
- Group Meetings - Many group sessions are scheduled throughout the week where the participant can attend online and interact with his/her counselor and other attendees and share experiences and feelings while developing tools and avoiding triggers.
- Doing practice exercises - In some lessons, you'll be asked to do a practice exercise (answers provided right in the exercise) to help prepare you for the programming assignment. This is the second way that we confirm your understanding of material. You actually submit your programming assignments from within the site. These assignments are not graded.
- Final assignment – At the end of your course you will be asked to complete a final assignment. Though it is not actually part of the class material, it will allow you to assess what you have learned during the course and give feedback and ideas about the dynamics of Court Ordered Classes and Court Ordered Programs, Inc.
Remember, these courses are self-paced. You'll be progressing through the course as quickly or slowly as you like. You control the pace. Once you enroll in the class, you'll begin (of course) with lesson one. We want you to get the most out of this course, so we require that you complete all activities in lesson one before you'll be allowed to continue with the next.
Frequently asked Questions
Court Ordered Programs has classified Court Ordered Classes as an “At-Home” Special Needs Court Program Provider. Because of our Live Video Group classroom style counseling sessions and policy and procedure manual we are able to provide our programs in 99% of the cities lists in our States Page. The word “on-line” is quick to be rejected by anyone in the court system (especially for the courts that haven't heard of us yet) no where in our court paperwork does it even mention the word on-line because we are categorized as an “at-home” program provider in every State in the Union and guarantee court acceptance or your money back.
Do not mistakenly tell any court officials that you are enrolled in an “on-line” program to eliminate any delays of you “Certificate of Completion.” We have all the credentials listed below and on our corporate webiste, Court Ordered Programs, Inc.

Accredited At-Home Program Provider

Parole & Probation Department Provider

State & County Courthouse Provider

Client Feedback & Reviews (1500+)
Why Court Ordered Classes?
Often it is difficult to attend court ordered classes due to a travel distances, busy schedules, and other life commitments. These online courses allow you to learn the same tools as our "in-person" classes but in a low-stress, convenient, affordable and self-paced environment. Established in 2007 we are the first and only court program provider to offer live video group sessions. We have no hidden fees or costs. No registration fees. Each enrollee, upon registration, will receive a "Proof of Enrollment" without any additional paperwork costs. Each participant will be assigned an individual case manager, and, upon completion of our program, will receive a "Certificate of Completion" again without any additional fees. We also offer Assessments for various court orders. Those Judges that are familiar with us know how our classes work and the participation level required to complete them, that is why we are able to provide our programs in 99% of the cities on those lists below. That is the same reason that the judges, officers or social workers that have reviewed us do not consider our Domestic Violence, Batterers Intervention, Anger Management, (DEJ) Deferred Entry of Judgment, Criminal Behavior Modification, Shoplifting / Theft Prevention, Divorce, High Conflict Divorce, Parenting, High Conflict Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Juvenile Betterment Programs along with BIP / DV, Anger Management and Alcohol / Drug Assessments as on-line but as "at-home" live, in-person classroom classes.