About Court Ordered Programs
Probation / Parole and Court Official Supervisory Tools. All Officers, Court Officials, DCFS Social Workers, Pretrial Reps, Judges and other Court Officials may obtain a Supervisory or "Officer" Account to monitor those registrants that have been assigned to them from enrollment to completion of the program. A Certified and Accredited Program with Live, In-Person Classroom Style, WebCasted Group Sessions. These “live webcasted group meetings” adhere to and surpass all State standards and laws regarding Domestic Violence and Batterers Intervention Programs and Court Ordered Classes has since been put to use by many Children's, Family, Drug and Criminal Courts throughout the Nation. We encourage you to take a closer look and explore our many programs and initiatives as a resource to you in your intervention and prevention efforts.

Accredited At-Home Program Provider

Parole & Probation Department Provider

State & County Courthouse Provider

Client Feedback & Reviews (1500+)
An "In-Person" WebCasted Classroom?
Groups are a maximum of 9 Participants per facilitator. The Facilitator(s) and the Participants who have reserved the seat for the particular Group can visually see one another, participate in the subject matter, contribute on the topic with their peers, share personal stories. The facilitator notes alertness, attentiveness, comprehension and participation levels and any other important information and adds them to the clients chart for ongoing review.
Court Ordered Classes was developed in 2007 to assist those who were physically unable to make it to their local classrooms to be able to get the services and intervention that they needed. These persons may have been handicapped, mentally ill, incarcerated, or they may have been hundreds of miles from any intervention program provider, and, in some cases, public figures, professional athletes or other celebrities that may have otherwise disrupted the classroom by merely their presence. Now Their technologically advanced “live group meeting” software allows course instructors to have classroom style group sessions with participants from all over the nation (students from Los Angeles, New York, Alaska, Hawaii and so on) to teach and collect in-debt information, while bringing a multitude of diverse cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles and other differences, together for one common cause in one class. This “live group meeting” adheres to and surpasses all State standards and laws regarding Domestic Violence and Batterers Intervention Programs and has since been put to use by many of the Children's, Family, Drug and Criminal Courts throughout the whole Nation.
It is because of such innovations that Court Ordered Programs Inc. and their distance-learning programs, DBA Court Ordered Classes, have received dozens of endorsements from Judges and Family/Children’s Court Referees and hundreds of endorsements from social workers, probation and parole officers, district attorneys, case mangers, lawyers and public defenders.
How do we know that it is the correct person completing the Court Ordered Program?
Our live web-casted video group classroom means that no program participant can fake through their court order. All records are kept in the clients charts from intake, to assessments and counseling and even video group participations’ for future review and evaluation of clients goal objectives.
All of our other programs from Domestic Violence, to BIP and Drug / Alcohol Awareness to Diversion (DEJ), Parenting, Anger Management or Criminal Behavior Modification follow the same standards and video group participation requirements.What are the benifits of our department using COPi instead of the traditional method we are using now?
Like so many other court approved programs across the United States there has always been a percentage of clients that never fulfill the conditions of their court order. Many move away and have other responsibilities they place above the conditions of their probation - many just never show up. For us, even as one of the most successful agencies in the country and located in a population area of over 10 Million People, number of non-compliance students still averaged approximately 34% each year in our county alone.
In many counties this 34% average (as high as 65%+ in some counties) is a revolving door of defendants who are constantly in and out of the system, while others are truck drivers, pilots, oil-rig workers, or some other line of work that takes them away from home making it difficult to attend a set schedule of classes. Many others live in a remote area where services are not available, are handicapped, or speak a language your current providers don’t offer services for.
This was unacceptable to us and was why we developed the program we are introducing you to. This is our driving force and we have dedicated ourselves to change not only the way we work with our own program participants, but to also help re-vitalize and change the way the Court, Probation/Parole, and how every other agency works with their own version of the 34 percent across the nation as well.
Today we have the technology to provide services like never before. What is even more amazing is that we also live at a time in history when wonderful discoveries have been made about the Mind and how we create our sense of Reality. The results we are achieving prove this. This allows a level of service; options and answers that you may have never known existed – until now.
Our primary function is to assist your department in addressing the 34%, and in doing so provide you with additional options relating to classes, supervision, and language as we provide many language options. This allows the client to move, travel, have a job, or address any other problem which may have previously caused client to be unsuccessful in fulfilling their court requirement.
The clients you refer to us now have access to the same quality of classes and continuity in the level of counseling and supervision that they require regardless of how they take the class. Today there is no difference between an In-house class, or our Advanced Learning System Live Web Classes.
There is a New Psychology and by immersing it in the technological advances of today the bar has been set so high the results being achieved are now so very groundbreaking.
As a Chief Officer I would like supervision over all of my Departments cases that require Court Program Completions to satify the case, is that possible?
YES of Course. After your department has been reviewed and clearance has been obtained for your Probation Officers to begin using Court Ordered Programs Inc.'s Supervisory Accounts for their caseload management. You will be assigned as "Chief Officer" which will allow access to all your officers probationeers on your account for progress review.
Providing courthouses, universities, public and private probation and parole agencies with custom caseload management software to track progress of programs on their cases since 2010. With up-to-date reports, contact tools and case history notes the Supervisory Account holder can immediately verify status of caseloads.
Automate your Caseload Progress and Access Case Documents , Program Provider and Facilitator Notes on each individual case mobily from anywhere (even the courthouse) securely with our Software sucred with a Superior Data Encryption Algorithm.
Officers and other Court Officials will have Private Supervisory Services
“My probation experience is helping me to stay out of trouble.” Studying the factors that influence the outcomes of parolees and probationers is of critical importance: If rates of recidivism can be reduced among community corrections clients, the benefits are great, both in terms of public safety and the costs of incarceration and supervision.
Why Court Ordered Classes?
In-Person Program Provider with multiple Brick & Mortar locations Nationwide. A Well-intentioned pursuit of effectiveness through the design and delivery of effective programs facilitated via Live Video Web-Casted Classroom Groups.
To establish the goals and objectives by which the Court Ordered Programs pursues its day to day operation. Court Ordered Programs implements the following policy of goals and objectives:
To provide a safe, confidential, therapeutic and professional environment where clients can receive services which meets their needs. To consistently implement all appropriate Federal and State standards that apply. To provide group from appropriately licensed/certified staff. To utilize a clinical team of State licensed, certified professionals to evaluate and establish an individualized treatment plan for each client. To provide the highest quality treatment possible. To consistently apply performance improvement and outcome measures to ensure quality treatment is monitored and maintained. To assist clients in attaining healthy and productive lives free of the negative influences and consequences. To have clients improve their functioning level in their communities and with their families, and, to have clients will develop appropriate tools, support systems and continue interaction with these systems post discharge.