Criminal Court targets misdemeanor cases (the felony cases are heard in Superior Court). A judge is usually permanently assigned to these two Courts. Criminal Behavior Modification class orders can come from all the courts, Drug Court, Domestic Violence Court and Criminal Court.
Court sentencing occurs one morning each week in each judicial branch. On this calendar, the Court integrates the feleny or misdemenor sentencings with post-sentence feleny or misdemenor case reviews. Defendants who are sentenced from this calendar are placed on supervised probation for a minimum of 18 months. Unless defendants are remanded to custody, they are ordered to enroll in a certified treatment program as a reduction of their sentancing or a part of their deal. They are ordered to return to the same court within a predetermined amount of days with a Proof of Enrollment form furnished and endorsed by the certified treatment provider. Court Ordered Classes provides both you and the Court or Probation with Proof of Enrollment and Progress Reports for all of our enrolled Criminal Behavior Modification class participants. Consequences of non-compliance are an extension, of not more than additional 14 days or remand to custody if no Proof of Enrollment is furnished or a bench warrant to be issued if they fail to appear as ordered.
Following Proof of Enrollment appearances, defendants appear before the same Court for progress reports at intervals to be delivered by the Court. Please remember that Court Ordered Classes provides both you and the Court with Proof of Enrollment and Progress Reports for all of our enrolled Criminal Behavior Modification class participants. (The first progress report appearance is 28 days after enrollment; subsequent appearances are at the Court�s discretion, and depend on the quality of the defendant�s progress.)
During the Criminal Behavior Modifications progress report hearings, there is sincere interchange between the Court and defendant. Good progress is always positively reinforced directly by the Court. Poor performance is negatively reinforced in various ways, ranging from verbal admonishment to incarceration. Progress report materials for the Court�s consideration include written reports from the treatment providers and written reports from the probation officer.
Once again, Court Ordered Classes, upon participant request can provide the Probation Officer, along with the Court, Proof of Enrollment and Progress Reports for all of our enrolled Criminal Behavior Modification class participants.